Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Loving Parenthood!

We are all doing well and feeling blessed beyond belief. Grace is keeping us on our toes. She is such a happy baby. However she does like to wake us up in the middle of the night :0) Her Baba does a great job of getting her back to sleep, though. She loves to snuggle up with him. I never thought we would be glad to go to sleep at 9 pm. On Monday we officially became Grace's Mama and Baba. YEAH!!! We applied for her passport yesterday and went to Yuexiu park, it was beautiful. Guangzhou is so nice the weather has been great and it is so lush and green here. We went to the grocery store on Monday. That was quite the experience. It was 3 stories and had a little bit of everything. We found the Starbuck's!! Which is a good thing cause mama needed Java bad!! We have been a couple times. It's is a little different then the Starbucks back home. They have much better deserts! We have done a little shopping and we are going to do some more this afternoon. Tomorrow we are going to the Chen Clan Temple and Friday we are going to the zoo. Grace is breaking another tooth. So hopefully it will pop thru before we head home. Hope everyone is well. We will post again soon. Here are some more pictures. Stay tuned.....

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Presenting Grace Bao Qin Henry

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity Grace is finally in our arms. She is beautiful and amazing and her smile lights up the world. Here a few pictures of our sweet angel. Enjoy! We will post some more later. I know everyone is anxious to see her. She has 3 teeth and is about 20lbs. She seems to be pretty healthy, a little congested but doing well.

Stay tuned...

Love Gen, Jeff and Grace

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

On our way!

So we are on our way!! We will spend the next 24 hours traveling to Beijing. We are in Portland right now, waiting for our next flight. It seems so surreal. It's finally happening. Thanks to everyone for their help and encouragement. We can't wait to have Grace meet all our wonderful family and friends. We will try and post pictures of Grace as soon as possible. I know everyone is anxious to see her.
Stay Tuned...
Gen and Jeff

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Leaving in 1 week!!!!

Things are moving along quickly. Stephanie threw me a wonderful baby shower. Thanks to all who came and made the day so very special. I can't wait to dress Grace in all her cute new clothes. We just found out today that we will actually get Grace on the 25th instead of the 26th so that is very exciting. It's hard to believe in 10 days we will be holding our sweet girl. And in 23 days we will be home with her forever. It's so awesome! Stay tuned....

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

China or Bust!!!

We got our travel approvel last Friday and now have our travel dates!!! Yeah!! We leave 2 weeks from tomorrow for China. So Thursday the 22nd we begin the final piece of our journey to Grace. We will fly to Beijing arriving on Friday night the 23rd and do some sight seeing there on Saturday. Then on Sunday we are on our way to Guangzhou. Monday the 26th we will meet our beautiful daughter and after 23 months of paperwork and waiting we will finally be a forever family.
So now it's really crunch time! Hopefully the next 2 weeks go by fast. Stay tuned for more updates.